~ Quality Employment and Career Resources ~
~ Quality Employment and Career Resources ~
Initial Questionnaire provided to determine your career initiatives and goals. We will determine the best program approach to establish Action Steps and a Timeline to meet your career development and career change goals. Coaching is provided on a virtual basis (phone, video calls, email and text) in the interest of time and expense management. (Local, In-Person Sessions available upon request).
Together we will establish a (SMART) Goal with Specific Job Search Action Steps to complete within your set Timeline. A Job Search Toolbox is provided to assist in your Time Management and the Organization of your efforts.
Career Coach Guidance provided in the areas of:
Ensure that you successfully navigate the Job Offer, Salary and Benefits Negotiations, Company Expectations and experience a smooth Transition into your New Organization and Position.
Services provided on confidential basis and non disclosed without correct authorization. Payment due upon commencement of services and is non refundable.